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Jugmohan Boodia & Anor v Richard John Slade

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There is no requirement to have informed consent in the Solicitors Act or in the Solicitors Conduct Rules as a pre-condition of an interim bill.

However, permission was granted to appeal in respect of the issue of whether the Costs Judge was right to bar the consumer protection grounds on the res judicata grounds (issue estoppel, waiver and abuse of process).

UK Supreme Court decides that Receiving Parties limited to one Firm's costs and legal costs incurred or paid in a foreign currency should be converted at the time the invoices were paid

Nicholas Lee
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Micula and others v Romania [2023] UKSC 2018/0177 (23 May 2023) Paragon Costs were instructed on behalf of the Paying Party, Romania. Jamie Carpenter KC was instructed to represent Romania at the hearing. Romania, the Appellant/Cross-Respondent was...

The difficulty in passing stage one of a Wasted Costs Application

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King & Ors v Stiefel & Ors [2023] EWHC 453 (Comm) Background Mr Justice Jacobs refused to allow a wasted costs application to pass stage one of the test outlined in the CPR Practice Direction 46, Para 5.5 as the issues were too complex and the costs were...

QOCS & Mixed Claims

Nicholas Lee
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What is Changing on 6 April 2023? Old Rule CPR 44.14(1)- “…orders for costs made against a claimant may be enforced without the permission of the court but only to the extent that the aggregate amount in money terms of such orders does not...

Common Law Assessments - a way to displace the S70 timescales?

Lucy Hodgkins
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Section 70 of The Solicitors Act is clear about the timescales in which a statute invoice can be disputed by a client. Once one year has passed from the delivery of the bill the court will only make an order for assessment if there are special circumstances....

The hurdles an Appellant faces in challenging an order for Costs

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TMO Renewables Ltd v Yeo & Ors [2022] EWCA Civ 1409 Background & Issue This case arises from a claim in which the Defendants were found to have acted in breach of fiduciary duties owed to the Claimant company (TMO Renewables Ltd) and had done...

Costs Budgeting

Claire Kretzmann
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Costs Budgeting; the balancing act between the proportionality of a budget and the reasonableness of its constituent parts Two notable decisions on costs budgeting have recently been provided by the Courts. The first of these matters is Associated...

The SCCO confirm that Fuseon does apply to CoP costs

Lucy Hodgkins
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The Professional Deputies Forum (PDF) has funded an oral hearing in the SCCO, which dealt with the time spent delegating in Court of Protection bills of costs. The hearing related to a Lanyon Bowdler bill of costs where time spent delegating to junior fee...

Paragon Costs Solutions recognised as a leader

Nicholas Lee
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Paragon Costs Solutions recognised as a leader by prestigious legal directories Legal costs specialist Paragon Costs Solutions has become the only South West-based firm of its kind to be recommended by the prestigious Legal 500 directory of UK-wide...

Belsner & Karatysz - a warning

Lucy Hodgkins
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Belsner & Karatysz – a warning for both solicitors and on low cost portal cases The Court of Appeal decision in Belsner v Cam Legal Services [2022] EWCA Civ 1387 , would certainly be classed as a ‘win’ for the...

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